About Awana


What is Awana?

Awana at Westside Baptist Church is a weekly program for children from preschool to Grade 9 that combines interactive games, relevant Scripture-based teaching, an outreach focus, and motivation for Bible study and achievement. Each week, more than 1.5 million children and youth and 250,000 volunteers participate in Awana around the world. Awana, with a strong track record of 62 years, helps churches and parents partner to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ.

Why Awana?

Young people today are in moral and spiritual danger. Schools no longer teach making sound moral judgment that is in line with traditional values. Many young people also lack the ability to communicate while spending most of their time in front of the computer. Their lack of guidance and vision make them prone to negative influences like drugs and gangs.
Awana is a great program that trains children and youths in communication, teamwork, and in developing moral values - all in a fun and exciting setting. At Awana, they can develop friendships that bring positive influences in their life, alongside the guidance of mature mentors. According to survey results, Awana alumni are significantly more likely to engage in community volunteer work, maintain traditional moral values, and participate in church life.

What Does an Awana program look like?

That depends on the program.

Cubbies (preschool) features music, simple crafts, non-competitive games, and a short teaching time that communicates basic Bible truths.

Sparks (kindergarten to Grade 2) and Truth & Training (or "T&T", Grade 3-6) offer similar 2-hour formats. Each features an opening and closing ceremony and three main segments: Game Time, Handbook Time and Large Group Time.

The Gospel is always the main focus of all Awana Clubs. Game Time is the hallmark of fun and interaction. Large Group Time and Handbook Time make Scripture exciting with high-energy songs, funny and involving skits, compelling Bible messages, and engaging leaders. Kids clamour to learn God's Word in Awana Clubs.

For more information please contact Pastor Alan (604-266-5602 or alan@westsidebaptist.ca).

You may also be interested in the following brochures in pdf format:






Sparks 〈幼稚園至第2班〉 及 Truth & Training 〈或 "T&T", 第3至6班〉 兩小時的活動,包括開會及放學禮,主要分為:遊戲、習作及合組時段。
